We are very proud of our school libraries. We have a fantastic resource offering a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books, audiobooks and magazines. We also stock editions of First News, a newspaper published weekly for children -
Our school library is run by a team of parent volunteers and Year 6 children librarians who are an excellent source of book recommendations!
KS1 Library
The KS1 library is open to Year 1 and Year 2 pupils and aims to promote reading for pleasure. The library is open before and after school on Tuesdays. The library operates on the lines of a 'normal library' using library cards and the books must be issued and returned through the library system. Library cards are collected on your child's first visit to the library. The library has a selection of fiction books and an extensive range of non-fiction books. The books are not part of the school's reading scheme.
Opening times: Tuesdays 8.30am-8.55am and 3.25pm - 4pm
KS2 Library Opening
The children visit the library each week on the following days
Year 4 Monday
Year 3 Tuesday
Year 5 Thursday
Year 6 Friday
Accessing the Library from home
The Library system uses the interface (part of Reading Cloud allows children to access the library from home, write reviews, search for books, compile reading lists, blog, write a profile of themselves and more. The one thing children can't do is issue, renew or return books. This must be done through the school library desk.
As long as you have a computer with an internet connection, you can access the library system from home. The URL for DPS hosted library system is please click to access or click on the Junior icon above. You can then login to the library system using your child's 4-digit library number as both their user number and password, also make sure that you input our school ( do not use the merged option). Library numbers can be found alongside pupil's barcodes in their organisers or from library tickets. There is also a free App that can be downloaded for phone and tablet access. Please go to the App store and search for imls. There are 2 Apps available. imls Student Reading Cloud is probably the best one to download. Apps are OK, but the library system is much easier to navigate on a computer.
Logging on to the school library system from home is a great way of engaging in the wonderful selection of books and resources that we stock and to immerse children in the joy of reading and exploring for themselves.
If you have any questions please contact the school office
Happy reading!
Suggested Reading Lists
Please click on the links below. The lists are based on books that we have in the KS2 library.
Suggested Reading List YR3 2021
Suggested Reading List YR4 2021
Suggested Reading List YR5 2021
Suggested Reading List YR6 2021
Library Helpers
Our library helpers ensure that it can be enjoyed throughout the school day. More volunteers are needed to make this happen. Duties include issuing and returning books, helping children select books and processing new books. Full training is given and you would be joining a friendly and happy team. Grandparents and friends of the school are very welcome. If you would like to offer a regular hour and a half of your time each week or fortnight, please contact Mrs Melville.
Scholastic Books
Scholastic Book Club orders are set up once or twice per term. The orders are open for two weeks after the leaflets have been sent up, both for online and paper orders through school. Scholastic have recently decreased the number of leaflets sent out, moving more to online ordering. Paper order forms should be sent into school in an envelope clearly marked “Book Order” together with a cheque (made payable to Scholastic Ltd) or credit card details. An email will be sent out at the same time leaflets are distributed. The school receives 20% commission on each book sold to parents which really makes a difference to the stock in our school libraries. Parents can also enjoy up to 70% off the price of books.
Book Fairs
Book Fairs are held twice a year. They are the main source of new library books. Each book sold to parents results in a 60% commission for the school, which can be spent on new books.
Thank you in advance for your support.