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Together we play, learn and succeed

'Dorridge Primary SChooL'

Year 2

The Year 2 team is Miss Thornton, Miss Pitt, Mrs Melville and Mrs Barker

TLSA's - Mrs Taylor, Mrs Morris, Mrs Mason

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

There is a Welcome presentation for Key Stage1. Click on one of the links below. 

Welcome to Key Stage One September 2024

KS1 information sheet

AUTUMN Term 2024

We are pleased to welcome the children back to school with a fantastic term planned ahead! Year 2 will begin with an exciting DPC (Dorridge Primary Curriculum) unit called ‘Brainwaves’. Through this, the children will look at the story of ‘The BFG’ and think about their hopes and dreams. We will be learning all about how the brain works and what we can do to improve our learning. The children will explore ways in which they can keep their brain healthy, through the means of sleep, exercise and healthy eating. The exit point for our ‘Brainwaves’ unit will involve the children teaching each other a skill, and in-turn learning a range of new skills, putting their brains to the test. Following this, we will begin ‘Media Magic’. This involves learning about a range of technology and media. We will be focusing on the development of new technologies, as well as how communication methods have developed throughout history, learning about famous inventors and how their inventions have changed the world that we live in. We will also be exploring the use of music and costume in film. If there are any parents who work in the media or have knowledge of this, we are always grateful to have guest speakers in school to talk about their experiences! Previously, we have enjoyed hearing about parents who work in advertising, journalism, TV, editing and more! Our maths work will begin with place value, where the children will explore the structure and build-up of numbers, understanding hundreds, tens and ones. From there, the children will progress to addition and subtraction involving 2 digit numbers and crossing over tens. In English, we will continue to promote the love of reading through literature and will use a range of fiction and non-fiction texts to engage and excite the children, with links to our writing. Our science lessons will involve exploring our surroundings and noticing habitats within the local area. Later in the Autumn term, we will also be learning about materials and their suitability for different purposes. PSHE will focus on the topic 'Being Me In My World' from our Jigsaw curriculum. This will see the children learning about what we can do to help others, how to understand our own emotions and recognise emotions in others. It will allow children opportunities to work collaboratively with others and recognise their own strengths and successes. Our PE sessions will be on Wednesdays, beginning on 11th September. Therefore, they will need to wear PE kit on Wednesdays. We are looking forward to an exciting Autumn term!

Curriculum Overview

You can find more details of the Dorridge Primary Curriculum on the Curriculum and Subject pages on the menu to the left. Below, you will find an overview of our termly units, with a brief overview of the areas we will be covering. We are always looking to enrich our curriculum with people who have worked in the industry, therefore if you or someone you know has worked a job linking to our topics, we would love to have you in to speak to the children. If you/someone you know is willing to do this, please contact your child's class teacher.

 Year 2 DPC Overview 2024-2025