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Together we play, learn and succeed

'Dorridge Primary SChooL'

Daily Mile

The Daily Mile is an initiative aimed at improving the physical, social, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing of children – regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances. We began trialling the Daily Mile in the 2016 -2017 academic year, it has been a whole school activity since that time.

The Daily Mile is an initiative aimed at improving the physical, social, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing of children – regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances. We began trialling the Daily Mile in the 2016 -2017 academic year, it has been a whole school activity since that time.

During the trial period, we found a positive effect on not only the children’s fitness but also on their emotional well-being. Children were happy whilst participating and developed new social relationships with running buddies. After the daily mile, they focused quickly in lessons and were able to concentrate for longer. On 'wet play days', the daily mile seemed to reduce any behaviour problems in the afternoons. We feel it helps our children to develop learning qualities such as perseverance and determination, which are important qualities to have in all aspects of school life.

The Daily Mile has numerous benefits to children, whether they run, jog or walk.

  1. Within 4 weeks, children who do The Daily Mile become fit.
  2. The 15 minute break from lessons is invigorating and leaves children (and teachers!) more focused and ready to learn. Even if the mile is during English or maths time your child will still receive the full hour of teaching required by the National Curriculum.
  3. The time spent outside, in all weathers, helps children become better engaged with the outdoors and aware of their surroundings.
  4. The Daily Mile is non-competitive, fully inclusive, and the children have fun!
  5. The Daily Mile is also a social occasion, and improves relationships, giving children the opportunity to talk to their peers and teachers in a way they might not in the classroom.
  6. The Daily Mile builds teamwork and leadership skills, with children helping and encouraging their peers.
  7. Children bring the benefits home, eating and sleeping better and encouraging their families to get active together.
  8. The Daily Mile builds self-esteem and confidence, improving children’s perception of exercise for life.
  9. The Daily Mile is critical to reducing childhood inactivity and obesity.

The Daily Mile Summer Challenge!


The goes ahead in all weather (apart from extreme conditions). We are happy for you to send in extra kit to fit the forecast, such as gloves, hat, thermal skin, spare socks. To make this simple we are also happy for these to be left in school all week in a bag on your child's peg (labelled as usual please).

To ensure the children are running/walking in the appropriate footwear please could you send in some old trainers that can be kept in school for the purpose of running the daily mile. Thank you.

If you have any further queries, we would be happy to hear from you.

More details of the programme can be found on a dedicated web page at